Homeschool Consulting
Getting Started
Misty has helped hundreds of parents get started on their homeschool journey. She helps them learn about educational philosophies, curricula, teaching methods, as well as, practical parenting and organization practices.
Group Seminars cover a huge amount of information and are held every month on 2nd Monday nights. You will attain all the knowledge you need to determine if homeschooling is right for your family. Thorough information packet included. $10 per person/$15 per couple To register: email growingscholars@aol.com or call 704-394-2165.
Personalized Help
Misty can aid you in navigating the hundreds of available curriculum choices, help pinpoint your best options, and give guidance to understanding how to implement them. She can explain the law and how to comply. Help you set up schedules, procedures, pick a homeschool support group, and much more. One hour $50
Curriculum Selection
Choosing curricula can be daunting, but Misty Spinelli has been giving advice and helping parents navigate the hundreds of choices for over 21 years. Her knowledge came from homeschooling her own 6 children for the last 24 years, studying education philosophies and methods for years, running 2 homeschool book stores for 7 years, and working with hundreds of homeschool parents and their children.
Getting Started Seminar adults and babies only $10/person or $15/couple
Test Consultation: Going over test results, day of test FREE
Educational Consultation (Day of Test): Additional half hour with Misty, 45 minutes total $25
Beginning Homeschooling Consult (Day of Test): Additional hour with Misty, approx. 1.5 hour total $50
One Hour Consultation: Discussion of any topic(s), about any number of kids, no testing of students needed $50/hour
High School Helps
Homeschooling through high school has special considerations. Misty can guide you through the maze of what courses have to be taken, how to earn credits, how to take Driver's ed, how to create a transcript, prepare of college, and much more. High school consultations are one hour long. $50/hour
GS Institute
The Growing Scholars Institute is for those who want continual professional assistance through high school. Services include:
Transcripts: maintained, designed and personalized to your student and their needs.
Beginning of the Year Curriculum Consultation (1 hour)
Midyear Consultation (1 hour)
Annual Test and End of Year Consultation