High School Art Classes
Advanced Studio Art
1 credit high school class for any students interested in pursuing advanced techniques in drawing and painting. This class is only for students who have already earned an Art 1 credit and have skills in perspective, proportion, drawing, painting, color theory, etc.
This class will cover advanced shading, perspective, details, creative solutions, style development, acrylic painting, and much more.
Cost is $395 plus supplies and materials fee.
For more information email me at Mistybs@aol.com
School Year 2023-24
Meets at 665 Belmorrow Dr. Charlotte
Tuesdays 11:30-1:00
Art History/Studio Art
1.5 credit high school class for any students interested in pursuing drawing and painting while learning about all the art styles and movements through the ages. Skills that will be learned are linear perspective, proportion, shading, contour, watercolor painting, color theory, etc.
Cost is $395 +$20 supply fees, plus personal supplies.
For more information email me at Mistybs@aol.com
School Year 2023-24
This class is only offered through St. Mark's Homeschool Co-op for this school year.

My Background
I have a MFA in Studio Art and was an Art Professor for 7 years before becoming a home school mom. I have been teaching high school art classes to home schoolers for almost 20 years.

Homeschool Classes
I believe that homeschool classes can be just as challenging as any other classes. Even though they only meet once a week, the work load is about 1 hour a day. Student's who apply themselves see a huge improvement in their skill level.

Art History
I include art history in my beginning art class, because visual literacy is very important to being a visual artist. It also allows me to use the styles and techniques of periods and movements to introduce new skills and elements to my students.