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Homeschool Testing & Consulting

Great Help for

Beginning Homeschoolers

Just starting? My name is Misty Spinelli and I can test your child, help you determine their learning style and help you pick curricula. Also, watch my videos and read my blogs for lots of additional homeschooling helps.

Call to make an Appointment

The state of North Carolina requires that all home-schoolers over the age of 7 take an annual academic nationally standardized test. The Woodcock-Johnson Academic Achievement test is one of the best options for parents. Misty Spinelli and Sydney Smith have years of experience administrating the WJ to homeschoolers in the greater Charlotte area. 

Annual Testing for Homeschoolers

Growing Scholars South
Misty Spinelli homeschool mom and educational consultant

Misty Spinelli is a homeschooling mother of 6 who has developed a passion to help other homeschooling mothers be the best educators they can be. She has been administrating the WJ Academic test for over seventeen years.

Picking curricula and teaching methods is confusing, but Misty's expert advice has helped hundreds of families begin or improve their home-school journey.

Growing Scholars North

Sydney Smith has a Master’s degree in Counseling and has worked with children and families for the past 26 years, and has been administrating the WJ Academic test for over four years.

Educational advice and help homeschool consultation help getting started homeschooling
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